
Top 5 cubicle-friendly office plants

Working in an environment where tables and chairs scream bustling work can be a bit suffocating. Adding a touch of green to your work spaces shows indicative signs of wellness benefits, from augmenting liveliness to cleansing the air. But bringing in plant varieties can be challenging as most would need sunlight and fresh air, not to mention maintaining their wacky watering schedules. Avoid the early demise of office plants by checking out this guided list of air-cleaning, mood-boosting varieties that are almost impossible to die.

1. Jade plants

Also known as the money plant, Jade plants are succulent and are able to survive in low light settings such as windowless cubicles or in an office where sunlight is not passable. Its shiny and plump leaves are visually aesthetic and grow gradually slower than leaves of other ordinary plants. As most plants, they do need a regular watering to stay alive. It can grow up to 24 inches and do not drape over the sides of the pot they are planted in. Attract the money luck as you bring in this easy-going plant.

2. Peace Lilies

One of the most common office plants, Peace lilies are recognized to cleanse the air better than nearly any other indoor plants. Several researches can back up this claim as peace lilies have the ability to thrive even in harsh conditions. Surviving under the light of incandescent bulbs and fluorescent lamp while being watered once in a week would be an easy feat for these plants. Make sure to use these visually pleasing plants to cover up for your old furniture.

3. Philodendron

The lush and leafy plant which is nearly impossible to kill, Philodendrons are claimed to be quite beneficial. Researchers have concluded that these elegant plants can eliminate indoor air of VOCS and excess carbon dioxide which is known to be detrimental to your health. Its best to sit them on filing cabinets or in hanging cabinets are these plants are climbers and would be a great distraction to small areas. Adding this air-cleansing variety to your work space could go a long way in boosting productivity among your employees.

4. Pothos

Noted by NASA as the top air-cleaning plant, Pothos are famously known as low maintenance. This easy-care plant, with its lovely heart-shaped, white-splotched leaves can remove up to 73 percent of VOCs and other pollutants from sealed chambers making the variety one of the best indoor plants for low-light conditions. Regardless of the light conditions, Pothos plants will make a lovely addition sitting on a desk, shelf or table as a mood-booster.

5. Spider plant

Last but definitely not the least, with its small spiderettes hanging down, Spider plants are one of the most commonly used plant to be seen inside office spaces. Ideally best in any office setting, this undemanding plant carry load of benefits for improving indoor air quality and reducing stress at work, conducted by researchers from the University of Hawaii. It also decreases particulate matter, aka dust, which can have a relaxing effect on workers and reduce common allergy symptoms. Indoor air pollution can be a major problem which is often deemed unimportant, dont make the rookie mistake and bring in this number one office plant!
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