
Office Furniture Materials: Choosing the Right Durability and Style

Office Furniture Materials Choosing the Right Durability and Style

The types of office furniture that you have displayed in your corporate office is of significant importance. This is for several reasons, including directly related to factors such as ensuring good posture for those sitting in it to the visual aesthetics that those working there and clients and other visitors experience. As for the latter point, note that it is important to not only show quality and class but also the culture that you want to cultivate and communicate.

For these reasons, choosing the preferred durability and style when considering furniture materials for your space is vital.


Wood not only provides your office with a classy look, but it is also a particularly durable option, particularly when the displayed furniture has been made from domestic hardwoods, such as oak and maple. When done right, this type can last for decades, an important consideration when it comes to the overall cost of wood furniture. Also of note is that wood is versatile in that it can be utilized in a variety of styles since it comes in numerous finishes and combinations. Wood also tends to be a heavier substance than other options, which is a positive in many cases.


If you decide to use metal for your corporate office furniture, you will most likely be utilizing steel or aluminum. To give your space more of a solid, heavier look, go with steel. In fact, many choose steel for similar reasons as wood. Conversely, aluminum furniture still provides a classy look while allowing those pieces to be moved around more easily, perfect for an office in which you want or need to regularly change its look, whether for practical or aesthetic reasons. Of course, many select furniture that combines steel and aluminum.


Those who want light furniture in their office should consider mesh. Not only are these pieces easy to move around, but the ventilation that they provide helps keep those sitting in mesh furniture cool as contrasted with other types, which can cause sweating. This type of furniture also requires much less maintenance than is the case for others, and it tends to be much more durable than many realize at first glance. As far as aesthetics are concerned, mesh furniture can provide your corporate office with a more modern style.


Polypropylene furniture is perhaps the lightest type of furniture that you can purchase for your corporate office, thanks to its low density, which makes it the best option if it needs to be regularly moved. That said, this versatile plastic also possesses durability, strength and rigidity, ensuring that it will stand the test of time as well. If your corporate office has an outdoor area, this may be the type of furniture that you will want to use there. Also notable is that, since it can be easily molded, the number of ways that it can be designed is essentially endless.


Laminate furniture is an option for your corporate office if you are looking for something that has the appearance of wood while being more budget-friendly as well. It also features an impressive blend of being functional and durable as well as aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Also of note is that there are numerous styling options available when utilizing this type of furniture. A related consideration is wood veneer, which generally consists of the same core material as laminate but with a slice of wood on top of it instead.

Final Thoughts

When considering what furniture should adorn your corporate office, take into account the features of these options as well as keeping in mind that most offices will utilize a combination of them in the same space. Also of importance is how durable the types that you are considering are, particularly when analyzing the cost of them in the long run.