Trend Micro

The Challenge

Ensure Trend Micro’s business productivity continued at high levels with weekend workstation exchange.

Trend Micro is a global leader in network antivirus and internet content security software services with 3,000 employees in 30 countries. Trend Micro sought to replace a floor of out-of-date workstations that hampered employee productivity, so they hired Solution Office Interiors. Solutions Office Interiors successfully demonstrated their strong redesign capabilities and an innovative on-the-job solutions when encountering unexpected discoveries and were asked to complete the following tasks:

  • Removing old workstations without interrupting employees.
  • Installing 27 new workstations that were customized, selected, and configured by the Solutions’ Design team.
  • Tearing down and installing within a single weekend.
  • Moving all employees’ personal belongings.
  • Overcoming and adapting to a large hidden carpet problem from a prior technology move that was discovered only after workstation removal.

The Solution

Solutions Office Interiors was able to craft an innovative carpet replacement plan at the job site which allowed the new workstations to be installed in only two days.

Solutions Office Interiors implemented cutting-edge and innovating solutions to support Trend Micro, including:

  • Crafting a plan to remove carpet from unseen Trend Micro locations on other building floors to recarpet the cubicle area rather than wait until Monday for a carpet supplier to remove a patchwork of improperly cut carpet.
  • Conducted hours of carpet cutting and patching at the job site which enabled a timely installation of the new workstations, the return of all Trend Micro personal belongings, and a productive Monday start.

The Results

Quick “above and beyond” thinking and a resourceful plan resulted in a seamless solution and a bottom-line impact to the overall project cost of less than 1% with zero productivity lost. Other vendor schedules that were dependent on Solutions Office Interiors meeting its schedule were able to move forward on time due to Solutions’ innovative adaptations.

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