
Power color combinations for the office

We’ve mentioned in a previous blog about how the color combinations in the office can affect the overall productivity of your employees. We have blue with its magical calming effect, perfect for stressed out employees with hectic schedules; and green which motivates productivity and creativity.
In this article, however, we will tell you all about power color combinations you can use and combine to turn your office aesthetics from traditional to modern.

Neutrals with Vibrant Colors

A great way to inspire creativity in a modern office is knowing the right design risks to take. If you’re not yet ready to go bold, you can still opt to go for neutral whites and greys but infuse a bit of excitement by picking key pieces in a different, more vibrant color like yellow, apple green, or orange. It doesn’t even have to be walls- you can paint smaller, safer parts like window panes and furniture.

Dark Earth Tones with Chrome or Glass

If there is another way to bridge both the classic and contemporary design inside the office, it’s the combination of dark wood and earth tones with chrome hues. This is perfect for executive rooms since it paints a sense of sophistication and authority through more saturated, deep colors.

Classic Wood Tones with Shades of White

With the minimalist design approach taking the world by storm, it’s no surprise that more and more offices are loving the simplicity and elegance of white tones. Mix that together with classic wood tones like mahogany or beech and you have yourself an office space that looks clean and modern without being boring.
So what are you waiting for? Let SOI help you revamp your office with the guidance of our effective office space planning experts. Call us now.