Herman Miller Refurbished Ethospace Reception Desk, 8x4ft

SKU: 001-HMIE-1000-01-044 Categories: , Tag:

Herman Miller Refurbished Ethospace Reception Desk, 8x4ft

1 in stock

This Gorgeous Custom-Designed Ethospace Reception Desk features Frosted Glass, White Trim, and a Transaction Counter Top.

If You Are Looking For A Unique, Customizable Reception Desk This is it!

SKU: 001-HMIE-1000-01-044 Categories: , Tag:

Herman Miller Ethospace becomes a better value because structure a sturdy steel frame with interchangeable tiles outlasts trends. Also, the interchangeable tiles ensure the look and utility of your office remains current.

Herman Miller Ethospace brings power and data to the tools you use to do your work. Wires and cables sit in the space between the frames and tiles, so installation takes three easy steps: Set up the frames, lay in the cables, and put on the tiles. To access wires and cables later, simply remove the tiles.

Herman Miller Ethospace Cubicles are flexible with 90-, 120-, and 135-degree planning options, Ethospace is extremely versatile. It can be used alone or in combination with other solutions to create diverse landscapes of varied settings.

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